Auditing the Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP)
June 3, 2020 @ 10:00 am - June 5, 2020 @ 2:00 pm
Webinar ( Online Training)
This course provides an overview of the key fundamentals that need to be taken into consideration during the internal audit review of the ICAAP. At the end of this course, internal auditors will be more informed about the key internal control tests that need to be conducted during the ICAAP audit. This course will also shed further insights about key components that need to be included in the ICAAP audit program in addition to providing further insights on more effective methods to report findings noted during the ICAAP audit. This course is provided only for internal auditors and the below represents an outline as to the items that will be discussed throughout the course:
Webinar ( Online Training)
This course provides an overview of the key fundamentals that need to be taken into consideration during the internal audit review of the ICAAP. At the end of this course, internal auditors will be more informed about the key internal control tests that need to be conducted during the ICAAP audit. This course will also shed further insights about key components that need to be included in the ICAAP audit program in addition to providing further insights on more effective methods to report findings noted during the ICAAP audit. This course is provided only for internal auditors and the below represents an outline as to the items that will be discussed throughout the course:
Introductory Topics:
Governance of the Risk Management Function :
ICAAP Audit: